Sunday, February 23, 2020

Slave Labor In India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Slave Labor In India - Essay Example The political and social systems during the prehistoric times did not see slavery as forced labor, but as beneficial relationships between the nobles and the peasants. In addition, in most of the Indian society, the caste system was practiced and could not be termed as slavery per se as the working class was pooled and specialized without much consideration of the system (Mander, 2012). The caste system is said to be one of the root causes of the modern day slavery, human trafficking and bondage. The system denies equal rights, privileges and dignified treatment to some individuals, with people being differentiated based on their social status and gender. The practice has survived due to feudalism, which is a concept whereby, the nobles held land for the crown in exchange for military services, and the laborers worked to acquire protection and a share of the produce from them. The concept of feudalism has existed in the Indian society even before they were colonized by the British. After the country gained independence, it sought to be a more democratic state, but in the very nature of democracy, the practice still exists. One of the reasons for its existence is that most regions in the country were introduced during the times the country was fully feudalistic and as religion has not evolved much, the people still have the notion and concept integrated in their society (Katju, 2013). In 1975, India introduced a law banning debt bondage including a fine of 37 dollars to those found guilty of the crime. In the years that have followed, very few people have been jailed for the crime with the fine being a laughable amount. People are forced to work in farms to pay debts, with their employers imposing arbitrary interests and fines to make it impossible for them to be able to pay. In addition, girls are being forced to work for people in farms and textile mills as payment for dowry. The influence of

Friday, February 7, 2020

Poetry Explication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Poetry Explication - Essay Example The fact that it is "smudged" and written in "erasable ink" (2) says a good deal about the students feelings on the topic. The confession, of course, is the students desire to be effortlessly beautiful, and the poem makes us complicit in this confession, asking "isnt it strange / how we want it, despite all we know?" (3-4). Here the sense is one of compassion for the student, and also a vague sense of embarrassment to be caught in the same trap of wanting beauty even while knowing that it is not that easy or important, or even realistic. The imagery used while comparing the narrators daily life to the photos of models builds on this idea, making it clear that the photos are fantasies through descriptions of models as "cobalt-eyed, hair puddling / like cognac" (5-6), or in one case as "curved and light-drenched, more like a beach / than the beach" (7-8). Through these images, the ideal of beauty is shown to be completely unrealistic, and removed from any sort of achievable goal, while at the same time also being something that is just naturally desirable. The poem asks us who has not wanted to be beautiful, and shows us why we want to, at the same time. This is compared to the boring, every-day, and cheap life of the narrators reality. For instance, now her daydreams are limited to seeing a magazine "in the checkout line" (11), which nonetheless inspires in her "the old pull, flare / of the pilgrims twin flames, desire and faith (13-14). Here, the poem compares fashion magazines to religion, which inspire readers to believe in them and want what they show, even though the narrator should know better. The narrators childhood is presented similarly, how she went "from store to store" (15) buying "polyester satin, / machine-made lace, petunia- and Easter egg-colored" (16-17). The cheapness of the materials she can afford is contrasted to the fancy clothing of the models in the photos she admired, described as an "angel inside