Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Tenor of a Metaphor, a Rhetorical Term

The Tenor of a Metaphor, a Rhetorical Term In an allegory, the tenor is the chief subject lit up by the vehicle (that is, the actualâ figurative articulation). The collaboration of tenor and vehicle summons the importance of the allegory. Another word for tenor is subject. For instance, on the off chance that you consider a vivacious or candid individual a sparkler (The person was a genuine sparkler, resolved to live on his own terms), the forceful individual is the tenor and sparkler is the vehicle. The terms vehicleâ andâ tenorâ were presented by British rhetorician Ivor Armstrong Richards in The Philosophy of Rhetoricâ (1936). [V]ehicle and tenor in collaboration, said Richards, give an importance of more fluctuated powers than can be credited to either. Models The principle components of allegorical conditions, for example, Life is a mobile shadow are regularly alluded to as tenor (thing we are discussing) and vehicle (that to which we are contrasting it).  Ground . . . signifies the connection among tenor and vehicle (i.e., regular properties; Ullmann 1962: 213). Subsequently, in the metaphor  Life is a mobile shadow, life speaks to the tenor, strolling shadow the vehicle, and short life the ground.Alternative wordings proliferate. Well known options for tenor and vehicle are target area and source space, respectively.(Verena Haser, Metaphor, Metonymy, and Experientialist Philosophy: Challenging Cognitive Semantics. Walter de Gruyter, 2005)Tenor and Vehicle in William Staffords RecoilIn William Staffords sonnet Recoil, the principal refrain is the vehicle and the subsequent verse is the tenor:The bow bowed recalls home long,the long periods of its tree, the whineof twist throughout the night conditioningit, and its answer Twang! To the individuals here who might worry me downtheir way and make me bend:By recollecting hard I could surprise for homeand act naturally once more. Tenor and Vehicle in Cowleys The WishIn the principal verse of Abraham Cowleys sonnet â€Å"The Wish,† the tenor is the city and the vehicle is a beehive:Well at that point! I currently do clearly seeThis occupied world and I will neer agree.The exceptionally nectar of all natural joyDoes of all meats the soonest cloy;And they, methinks, merit my pityWho for it can bear the stings,The group and buzz and murmurings,Of this extraordinary hive, the city. I.A. Richards on Tenor and Vehicle We need the word illustration for the entire twofold unit, and to utilize it at times for one of the two segments in partition from the other is as unwise as that other stunt by which we utilize the importance here now and again for the work that the entire twofold unit does and some of the time for the other componentthe tenor, as I am calling itthe hidden thought or chief subject which the vehicle or figure implies. It isn't astounding that the point by point examination of allegories, in the event that we endeavor it with such tricky terms as these, occasionally wants to extricate 3D square roots in the head.​(I.A. Richards, The Philosophy of Rhetoric. Oxford University Press, 1936)​[I.A. Richards] comprehended illustration as a progression of movements, as borrowings to and fro, among tenor and vehicle. Subsequently, in 1936, his popular meaning of allegory as an exchange between contexts.Richards legitimized begetting tenor, vehicle, and ground to explain the parti culars of that exchange. . . . The two sections had been called by such stacked locutions as the first thought and the obtained one; what is truly being said or thought of and what it is contrasted with; the thought and the picture; and the importance and the similitude. A few scholars would not yield how much thought was imbedded in, drawn from the picture. . . . With unbiased terms a pundit can continue to consider the relations among tenor and vehicle more objectively.(J. P. Russo, I.A. Richards: His Life and Work. Taylor, 1989) Elocution: TEN-er

Saturday, August 22, 2020

General Omar Bradley in World War II

General Omar Bradley in World War II General of the Army Omar N. Bradley was a key American leader during World War II and later filled in as the primary Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Moving on from West Point in 1915, he served stateside during World War I before progressing through the positions during the interwar years. With the start of World War II, Bradley prepared two divisions before serving under Lieutenant General George S. Patton in North Africa and Sicily. Known for his downplayed nature, he earned the moniker the G.I. General and later instructed the First U.S. Armed force and twelfth Army Group in Northwest Europe. Bradley assumed a focal job during the Battle of the Bulge and coordinated American powers as they crashed into Germany. Early Life Conceived at Clark, MO on February 12, 1893, Omar Nelson Bradley was the child of teacher John Smith Bradley and his significant other Sarah Elizabeth Bradley. Despite the fact that from a poor family, Bradley got quality instruction at Higbee Elementary School and Moberly High School. After graduation, he started working for the Wabash Railroad to procure cash to go to the University of Missouri. During this time, he was exhorted by his Sunday teacher to apply to West Point. Sitting the section tests at Jefferson Barracks in St. Louis, Bradley set second yet made sure about the arrangement when the primary spot finisher couldn't acknowledge it. West Point Entering the foundation in 1911, he immediately took to the academys restrained way of life and before long demonstrated talented at games, baseball specifically. This adoration for sports meddled with his scholastics, anyway he despite everything figured out how to graduate 44th in a class of 164. An individual from the Class of 1915, Bradley was colleagues with Dwight D. Eisenhower. Named the class the stars fell on, 59 of the class individuals at last became commanders. World War I Dispatched as a subsequent lieutenant, he was presented on the fourteenth Infantry and saw administration along the US-Mexico outskirt. Here his unit upheld Brigadier General John J. Pershings Punitive Expedition which entered Mexico to repress Pancho Villa. Elevated to first lieutenant in October 1916, he wedded Mary Elizabeth Quayle two months after the fact. With the US passage into World War I in April 1917, the fourteenth Infantry, at that point at Yuma, AZ, was moved to the Pacific Northwest. Presently a commander, Bradley was entrusted with policing copper mines in Montana. Edgy to be doled out to a battle unit making a beeline for France, Bradley mentioned an exchange a few times yet without much of any result. Made a significant in August 1918, Bradley was eager to discover that the fourteenth Infantry was being sent to Europe. Sorting out at Des Moines, IA, as a component of the nineteenth Infantry Division, the regiment stayed in the United States because of the truce and flu scourge. With the U.S. Armys after war deactivation, the nineteenth Infantry Division was remained down at Camp Dodge, IA in February 1919. Following this, Bradley was point by point to South Dakota State University to show military science and returned to the peacetime rank of skipper. Quick Facts: General Omar N. Bradley Rank: General of the ArmyService: U.S. ArmyBorn: February, 12, 1893 in Clark, MODied: April 8, 1981 in New York, NYParents: John Smith Bradley and Sarah Elizabeth BradleySpouse: Mary Elizabeth Quayle, Esther BuhlerConflicts: World War II, Korean WarKnown For: D-Day (Operation Overlord), Operation Cobra, Battle of the Bulge Interwar Years In 1920, Bradley was presented on West Point for a four-year visit as an arithmetic educator. Serving under then-Superintendent Douglas MacArthur, Bradley committed his leisure time to examining military history, with a unique enthusiasm for the battles of William T. Sherman. Dazzled with Shermans battles of development, Bradley presumed that a significant number of the officials who had battled in France had been misdirected by the experience of static fighting. Therefore, Bradley accepted that Shermans Civil War crusades were more pertinent to future fighting than those of World War I. Elevated to major while at West Point, Bradley was sent to the Infantry School at Fort Benning in 1924. As the educational program focused on open fighting, he had the option to apply his hypotheses and built up a dominance of strategies, territory, and fire and development. Using his earlier research, he graduated second in his group and before numerous officials who had served in France. After a short visit with the 27th Infantry in Hawaii, where he got to know George S. Patton, Bradley was chosen to go to the Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, KS in 1928. Graduating the next year, he accepted the course to be dated and deadened. Withdrawing Leavenworth, Bradley was appointed to the Infantry School as a teacher and served under future-General George C. Marshall. While there, Bradley was dazzled by Marshall who supported giving his men a task and letting them achieve it with insignificant impedance. In portraying Bradley, Marshall remarked that he hushed up, unassuming, competent, with sound presence of mind. Supreme constancy. Give him an occupation and overlook it. Profoundly affected by Marshalls strategies, Bradley embraced them for his own utilization in the field. In the wake of going to the Army War College, Bradley came back to West Point as an educator in the Tactical Department. Among his understudies were the future chiefs of the US Army, for example, William C. Westmoreland and Creighton W. Abrams World War II Begins Elevated to lieutenant colonel in 1936, Bradley was brought to Washington two years after the fact for obligation with the War Department. Working for Marshall, who was made Army Chief of Staff in 1939, Bradley served asâ assistant secretary of the General Staff. In this job, he attempted to distinguish issues and created answers for Marshalls endorsement. In February 1941, he was elevated legitimately to the transitory position of brigadier general. This was done to permit him to expect order of the Infantry School. While there he advanced the arrangement of defensively covered and airborne powers just as built up the model Officer Candidate School. With the US passage into World War II on December 7, 1941, Marshall approached Bradley to plan for other obligation. Provided order of the reactivated 82nd Division, he directed its preparation before satisfying a comparable job for the 28th Division. In the two cases, he used Marshalls approach of improving military principle to make it simpler for recently selected resident troopers. Likewise, Bradley used an assortment of procedures to ease draftees progress to military life and lift assurance while additionally actualizing a thorough program of physical preparing. Therefore, Bradleys endeavors in 1942, created two completely prepared and arranged battle divisions. In February 1943, Bradley was doled out order of X Corps, however before taking the position was requested to North Africa by Eisenhower to investigate issues with American soldiers in the wake of the annihilation at Kasserine Pass. <img information srcset= 300w, 515w, 730w, 1160w information src= src=//:0 alt=Bradley on the way to Sicily class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-32 information following container=true /> Lieutenant General Omar Bradley on the route extension of USS Ancon (AGC-4), in transit to the attack of Sicily, 7 July 1943. With him is Captain Timothy Wellings, USN. US Naval History and Heritage Command North Africa Sicily Showing up, Bradley suggested that Patton be provided order of the U.S. II Corps. This was done and the dictator officer before long reestablished the units discipline. Turning out to be Pattons delegate, Bradley attempted to improve the battling characteristics of the corps as the crusade progressed. As an aftereffect of his endeavors, he climbed to order of II Corps in April 1943, when Patton left to help in arranging the intrusion of Sicily. For the rest of the North African Campaign, Bradley capably drove the corps and reestablished its certainty. Filling in as a component of Pattons Seventh Army, II Corps led the assault on Sicily in July 1943. During the battle in Sicily, Bradley was found by columnist Ernie Pyle and advanced as the G.I. General for his unprepossessing nature and proclivity for wearing a typical warriors uniform in the field. D-Day In the wake of the achievement in the Mediterranean, Bradley was chosen by Eisenhower to lead the main American armed force to land in France and to be set up to along these lines assume control over a full armed force gathering. Coming back to the United States, he built up his base camp at Governors Island, NY and started amassing staff to help him in his new job as officer of the First U.S. Army. Returning to Britain in October 1943, Bradley participated in the getting ready for D-Day (Operation Overlord). <img information srcset= 300w,

Friday, August 21, 2020

UVA Engineering Essay Samples

UVA Engineering Essay SamplesYou might have heard of UVA Engineering essays, but not sure exactly what they are. They are basically a way to ask a question and the author is expected to come up with an answer or explain why he or she has come up with a particular response. The basic purpose of these essays is to help those preparing for the exams more in depth and also help to ensure that all students are preparing for the examination in the correct manner.Writing an essay is something that can be very difficult. Often you will find that some students simply do not have the confidence or are not able to express themselves clearly. In this case, it may be very difficult to see how they are going to come up with an answer when they don't really know what the correct answer is. And it's really only after they have tried to write it that they will understand what they actually need to do to write one.UVA Essay samples are usually fairly long but can usually fit within one page, even if t hey contain several separate sections. It would be wise for you to work out which sections you want to include and then to make sure that they are all clearly understandable. If you cannot explain them, how can you expect your readers to be able to understand them?One thing that many people often do is start out a short essay by summarizing what you have already said, and they then move on to what they have left out. Of course, this will mean that you do not go into detail as far as what you have said, but the effect is the same. While it might look good, it will not be very helpful.Also, as you get to know the various sections and answers to the specific questions, you will get more confident about writing essays. As you get to know your own abilities, you will be able to write better essay questions, and so forth. In general, all sections are used to test the different abilities that you might have. You might think that your writing skills are quite good, but it will probably come to light that you are a lot better at answering the written section than you are at the verbal section. Of course, you might feel quite confident at the start but as the exam progresses, you will find that you are doing less well and you can start to see why you should pay more attention to your speaking skills.It is important to keep these things in mind when trying to achieve good results. Each section is intended to help you score higher, and therefore if you have to edit it to ensure that it flows together, you will achieve the best possible results. As such, remember that you need to spend some time understanding what each section actually is.As you read through the different sections, you will find that there are some tips that will help you achieve the best possible results in the class. But remember, that this will depend on how you use the sections, and you should also consider your own personal strengths and weaknesses when it comes to expressing yourself.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Nra - 1731 Words

The National Rifle Association (NRA) As George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton spokesman once said: Let me make one small vote for the NRA. Theyre good citizens. They call their Congressmen. They write. They vote. They contribute. And they get what they want over time.(qtd. in The NRA is indeed all of these things, with programs to benefit a variety of Americans, sponsorship of one of Americas oldest sports, and as an organization that will stand up for its political beliefs regarding the Second Amendment. ( Formed in 1872 when military leaders were disappointed with the marksmanship of their soldiers, the NRA has always faced political opposition for promoting marksmanship. Although it was founded largely†¦show more content†¦(web wonks. org) One of these 3 million NRA members, Gary L. Simmons (, clearly illustrates the strong feelings behind the NRA purpose of protecting constitutional rights by saying: If you can just put aside the d emonizing words of a partisan and unabashedly biased national media for a moment and do your own research into the facts you will see that the Second Amendment to the constitution of the United States is not an outdated 225 year old mistake that needs to be erased from the constitution any more than the freedom to assemble peaceably and yes, even the freedom of speech. The right to keep and bear arms is at least as important as any of the other amendments in the Bill of Rights that our ancestors have continued to fight and die for to protect since the founding of this nation. These rights and the body of the Constitution of the United States of America are vital to maintaining this fragile thing we call freedom. The NRA Foundations mission statement is also indicative of the purposes of the NRA by stating: [In] support of a wide range of firearm related public interest activities of the National Rifle Association of America and other organizations that defend and foster the Second A mendment rights of all law-abiding Americans. These activities are designed to promote firearms and huntingShow MoreRelatedThe Nra Essay928 Words   |  4 PagesThe National Rifle Association The National Rifle Association, or more commonly known as the NRA, is the single most powerful non-profit organization in the United States. Established on November 17, 1871, in New York, the group has grown to approximately 3 million members, all of which are patriotic supporters of the Second Amendment. The NRA serves one sole purpose in the U.S., and that is to promote: marksmanship, firearm safety, protection of hunting, self-defence, and gun ownership rightsRead MoreThe NRA and AARP Essay1388 Words   |  6 PagesThe NRA and AARP It is only natural that in today’s society of conflicting interests, people with similar interests and views have banned together to garner influence through their numbers. As James Madison noted in the Federalists Papers, like-minded people naturally aggregate together. Two of the most influential of such modern groups are the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). Driven by the Read MoreThe Brady Campaign And The Nra Essay1660 Words   |  7 Pages The Brady Campaign and the NRA provide evidence from opposing points of view on the success of the Brady Act. The Brady Campaign praises the Brady Act, providing statistics which they feel is hard proof that the Brady Act has reduced gun violence and gun related deaths. The NRA’s evidence paints a different picture. The NRA has provided statistics indicating the Brady Act and waiting periods had no effect on homicide and suicide rates across the country. The NRA firmly believes Instant Check,Read MoreBrief History of the Nra1739 Words   |  7 PagesBrief History of the NRA The National Rifle Association in its simplest form is the largest gun club in the world. The organization was founded in 1871 by former Union Army officers to encourage sport shooting in order to have a fine tuned militia in case of emergency. The Union officers believed that a well regulated militia was integral for the security of a free state. It is an organization that opposes gun control, it believes in the individual defense of the uses of firearms, and it isRead MoreThe National Rifle Association ( Nra )971 Words   |  4 Pagesthe National Rifle Association (NRA). The nonprofit organization has a staunch and straightforward message: to advocate and protect the second amendment. As of late, the NRA has received criticism by some candidate who is running for presidency, and even the President himself, but this has not changed the purpose or image of the organization through the eyes of the American people. Other candidates can see this, and they are in full fledge of their support for the NRA, which is not only cohesive butRead MoreThe National Rifle Association ( Nra )3063 Words   |  13 Pages The National Rifle Association (NRA) Lori Acompora Professor Urban Manhattanville College According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States experiences epidemic levels of gun violence, claiming over 30,000 lives annually. For every person who dies from a gunshot wound, two others are wounded. In America, there are approximately 270 million firearms possessed by civilians, and only 897,000 carried by police. Every year, approximately 100,000Read MoreNRA Secrets Case Study1720 Words   |  7 Pagesthis is dr. Andrew Jones in this edition of NRA secrets Im going to talk about grapes causing death in dogs the signs and solutions as you may or may not know grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs recently theres been some discussion around this being some type of veterinary fallacy and so though its important that I do a video on it and we address you know some of those concerns along with what really is factual in 1989 a computerized animal toxicity database helped veterinarians see and establishRead MoreThe National Rifle Association (NRA) Essay1774 Words   |  8 PagesThe National Rifle Association (NRA) As George Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton spokesman once said: Let me make one small vote for the NRA. Theyre good citizens. They call their Congressmen. They write. They vote. They contribute. And they get what they want over time.(qtd. in The NRA is indeed all of these things, with programs to benefit a variety of Americans, sponsorship of one of Americas oldest sports, and as an organization that will stand up for its political beliefs regardingRead MoreHow to Choose an NRA Basic Pistol Course843 Words   |  3 PagesHow to Choose the Right NRA Basic Pistol Course/h1 One of the most important parts of owning any firearm is learning how to operate it safely and effectively. The NRA hosts many safety and operating courses for various firearms, and the NRA basic pistol course is one of their most popular options. One of the reasons for this is because many people want to buy firearms for personal protection, and pistols are very popular option for self-defense due to their small size and ease of use. PistolsRead MoreWhy The Nra May Have Been Armed1928 Words   |  8 Pagesdesperate, plunging into an abandoned grocery store or someone’s empty looking home. If the person were not careful and armed adequately, these places would become death traps. In all my years of supporting gun control, I never thought I d see how the NRA may have been right. Citizens should have been armed. Owning and maintaining weapons would have given the living an edge. Being trained soldiers might have tipped the balance. Our own worst enemy was our humanity. What we had proudly

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Great Gatsby American Dream Essay - 1940 Words

Kaylie Skoumal Mrs. Sabers English II 6 October 2017 Destruction of an American Dream â€Å"The American Dream is that any man or woman, despite of his or her background, can change their circumstances and rise as high as they are willing to work† (Fabrizio Moreira Quotes). Jay Gatsby believed that he could achieve his American Dream of being successful and marrying Daisy by working extremely hard in his lifetime. He labored to make a great amount of money through a disreputable way with Meyer Wolfshiem. His main agenda was to win Daisy back to him and he did everything he possibly could to make that happen in his life. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby strived for his idea of the American Dream, but fell short in the end.†¦show more content†¦Next, Gatsby could be seen laboring to achieve his American Dream through his various methods he used to try to become wealthy. The first time Gatsby almost succeeded with his dream is when he became Dan Cody’s assistant. Gatsby had the chance to happen upon the millionaire Dan C ody. Liking Gatsby, Cody immediately offered the young adult a job. Gatsby traveled the world with Cody, but his employment was finally terminated after five years when Cody died. â€Å"And it was from Cody that he inherited money—a legacy of twenty-five thousand dollars. He didn t get it. He never understood that was used against him, but what remained of the millions went intact to Ella Kaye† (Fitzgerald 100). Gatsby almost succeeded in earning a large amount of money through Cody’s will, but Ella Kaye, Cody’s mistress, was able to extract the money under Gatsby’s nose for herself. Once again Gatsby was back to where he had started and all his work over the five years was for nothing. Nevertheless, Gatsby did not give up and after he was released from the war he started to work with Meyer Wolfsheim to make money in unsavory ways. Wolfsheim was not a respectable businessman, but through his methods he was able to make an enormous mass of cash. â⠂¬Å"‘He’s [Wolfsheim] the man who fixed the World’s series back in 1919’† (Fitzgerald 73).Wolfsheim was the one responsible in the 1919’s of fixing the World’s series to win money through gambling. Wolfsheim and Gatsby workedShow MoreRelated The Great Gatsby - The American Dream Essay767 Words   |  4 Pagesmade by Marius Bewley’s critical essay â€Å"Scott Fitzgerald: The Apprentice Fiction†, â€Å"Fitzgerald’s ultimate subject is the character of the American Dream in which, in their respective ways, his principle heroes are all trapped.†, can be justified through Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby and his short story â€Å"Winter Dreams†. In both pieces of literature, Fitzgerald explores and comments upon Americans and their pursuit of the American Dream through Jay Gatsby and Dexter Green’s pursuit of theirRead MoreEssay On The American Dream In The Great Gatsby933 Words    |  4 PagesThe Great Gatsby Essay The Great Gatsby has always been a great book, but have you ever wondered what the meaning of â€Å"The American Dream† is..? To me the american dream†¦ is anyone and everyone can come here to american and achieve their goals, they can have better lives here in the US, they can be more successful when they put their minds to it. Fitzgeralds was making it seem that the rich or more money you have the happier youll be, the better off you are in life. He paints a picture makingRead MoreEssay on The Corruption of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby1302 Words   |  6 Pages On April 10, 1925 F. Scott Fitzgerald published The Great Gatsby, a novel that would later become one of the best known pieces of classic literature in history. However, at the time of its publication, Gatsby was fairly unpopular ad the reviews were never consistent. As shocking as it may seem, I believe it is because Fitzgerald’s intelligence and creativity levels were way ahead of his time, which is evident when one pays close attention to the themes of the novel. ForgivenessRead MoreEssay On The American Dream In The Great Gatsby1001 Words   |  5 Pageshas been a place â€Å"where dreams come true,† from when the colonists aspired freedom and liberty to present day where Americans pursue wealth and success. However, throughout the twentieth century, this concept of the â€Å"American dream† seemed to have deceived the commonwealth as those who aspired success found themselves poor and deprived of the benefits the American dream promised them. This idea of the corruption of the American dream is prominent in the novel The Great Gatsby, as the author F. ScottRead MoreThe Great Gatsby American Dream Essay1496 Words   |  6 Pagesforward in his head like a blind man knocking over the solid furniture.† All people have their own big dreams circulating their minds and a sort of desperation to achieve them, no matter where they gro w up or live, but where someone comes from might influence what it is they’re longing for. In his novel, â€Å"The Great Gatsby,† he demonstrates the delusive and far-fetched concept of the American dream in men of West Egg compared to those of the Valley of Ashes and East Egg by describing the different lifestylesRead MoreThe American Dream In The Great Gatsby Essay1158 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"It is the elusive Gatsby, the cynical idealist, who embodies America in all of its messy glory.† Clearly as Adam Cohen asserts in his New York Times article â€Å"Jay Gatsby, Dreamer, Criminal, Jazz Age Rogue, Is a Man for Our Times†, this phenomenon is indeed true in that the American Dream is presented in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby as an idea that has been depraved into a dream characterized by the constant shift in ethics and fraudulence centered around materialistic visions of opulenceRead MoreEssay On The American Dream In The Great Gats by954 Words   |  4 PagesGatsby changed Nick’s mind on the American dream and what it really is.Nick’s original thoughts on the American dream â€Å"...become again that most limited of all specialists, the ‘well-rounded man.’†(Fitzgerald 6),were much like his families in the beginning.Later after the events in his time with Gatsby Nick sees the error of his ways and returns to the Midwest giving up on his bond market dream.†Gatsby was never in it for the money and this revelation eventually caused Nick to give up his questRead MoreGreat Gatsby American Dream Essay923 Words   |  4 PagesThe novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is about the struggle of achieving the American dream, and how much a person is willing to do to reach it. The book’s focus is on the obsession of Gatsby, the protagonist, and his feelings for Daisy, a married woman who he was previously involved with. The novel also focuses on Gatsby’s determination to make her fall in love with him by the glitz of money and power. Fitzgerald uses the symbols of wealth, superficiality and irresponsibility to conveyRead MoreThe Great Gatsby and the American Dream Essay933 Words   |  4 Pagespower are the core principles of The American Dream. Pursuit of a better life led countless numbers of foreign immigrants to America desiring their chance at the vast opportunity. Reaching the American Dream is not always reaching true happiness. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby achieves the American Dream, but his unrealistic faiths in money and life’s possibilities twist his dreams and life into useless life based on lies. Jay Gatsby believes he can buy happiness. For exampleRead MoreThe Great Gatsby American Dream Essay1030 Words   |  5 PagesThe American Dream and â€Å"The Great Gatsby† The American Dream can be described as someone starting at the bottom of the social or economic ladder and working hard towards prosperity, wealth and fame. By having money, a car, a big house, nice clothes and a happy family symbolizes the true American dream. This dream also represents that people, no matter who he or she is, can become successful in life by his or her own work. The majority of people pursue the American Dream for themselves, their families

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Police and Traditional Thinking free essay sample

The purpose of this paper is to help reorganize the Junction City Police Department from the current traditional organization. Information used to do this paper is a case study titled Malfunction Junction in chapter 3 of Justice Administration. The department is in Junction City, a growing community of 150,000 residents. The city is an agriculturally based area in the center of the state. With a population of 10,000 to 20,000, visitors a day during the summer months come to Junction City. The downtown area is deteriorating over the past several years from this deterioration is increased crime and disorder.As a new police, chief the city manager and Council are seeking views on the strategy of implementation and operation of community policing and problem solving. In addition, how as the new police chief this may be approached and implemented. Case Study Malfunction Junction Several problems envisioned from traditional thinking officers and supervisors can occur. Some of these problems may occur because these officers and supervisors do not accept change. We will write a custom essay sample on Police and Traditional Thinking or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They also may not like the new technology of today. These officers and supervisors are used to the old way and do not want to accept new policies and requirements for the policies.With this, they may be concerned with losing jobs or pay occurring from this change. These traditional thinking officers and supervisors will have to become accustomed to the new ways of the organization. Although there is a growing number of desk bound administrative personnel the department needs to change. Adapting new programs for community policing and problem solving. Adopting these new programs will provide these officers and supervisors with help. This will or may reduce the workload of these officers and supervisors.By reducing, the workload can change the morale of the department will let traditional thinking personnel see the importance of change. As a new police chief to handle the concerns of the officers and supervisors. New policies will need to be set in place ensuring these personnel that the organization will improve. Conduct regular meetings to address the concerns of the officers and supervisors. While providing an open-door policy ensuring a fair amount of work for each employee so officers and supervisors are not overloaded with work. The seven elements of police organization and structure of functional differentiation, ccupational differentiation, partial differentiation, vertical differentiation, centralization, formalization, and administrative intensity. As police chief, all seven of the elements would need to be reorganizing to accommodate COPPS (community- oriented policing and problem solving). The reorganization is needed because of the gain in population and changing demographics. Along with the growth of industry increased crime and disorder. First is to divide the labor and methods used to divide the work. Possessing 100 sworn and 35 not sworn plus all the deskbound and rank structure in the department.This would make the organization run smoother. The different tasks need to be assigned to different departments can make the organization more functional moving the organization from traditional thinking would improve the morale of officers and supervisors. The occupational differentiation of the organization should be reorganized. This way the experience personnel used to help the citys crime and disorder. This will help instead of deskbound this will put more officials on the streets and help the workload and morale of the department.The reorganization of the department needs spread out to accommodate the growing amount of population in the city. The element of spatial differentiation will make the organization more functional than it is right now. In this way, more areas covered within the city. The vertical differentiation of the department needs reorganizing as well. Instead of having, all the deskbound administration gives these personnel the authority to make decisions. Putting these officials in the authority will bring the morale up in the department. Instead of earning, a wage for just sitting at a desk the workload reduced.Centralization reorganized will put the senior administration involved in making decisions. These individuals can provide the officers and supervisors the opportunity to focus on the importance of crime control and disorder. Formalization and administrative intensity need to be reorganize. This will help the department accommodate COPPS because the organization considered bureaucratic. The employees will follow specific rules and policies put in place by administration and department and policies. COPPS or community-oriented policing and problem-solving helps address long-term factors affecting crime and disorder.Two different strategies need integrated in a proper manner. COPPS is organized mainly to solve problems that relate to crime, improve the quality of the citizen’s life by reducing crime, and reduce fear of crime by the citizens. Several steps for COPPS is to identifying community problems, analyzing these problems, respond to the reason for such problems, evaluation, and assessment of the problems. Several misconceptions to implement COPPS is to have more police officers do vehicle or foot patrol, implementing a number of police stations these expectations are unrealistic.In order to move into the COPPS difficulties such as change in leadership and management, new principles, mission, goals, objectives, and the basic values. These changes from the agencies could align according to the aims and objectives. A large amount of effort should go into allocating resources, planning, evaluation, and management styles. Greater commitment and development of policies can create an environment conductive to change. Although the implementation of applying COPPS in any organization or agency would not be a simple task.To evaluate the progress of the community policy initiative different types of information needs to be obtained. These types of information should be the progress of the community policy that was put in place. Describing how long this policy was in place and the reasons for the policy is this policy helping the community or is it just being a waste of time. Other information obtained to evaluate the policy is the involvement or amount of involvement from the community. Does the community care for this policy are they helping with the policy or is this as well just another policy in place not being used.Several other types of information that should be evaluated is has crime been reduced, fear of crime reduced, is the community involvement working. As a police chief to move away from the traditional thinking, organization to a more modern-day organization will take a large amount of hard work and reorganizing. Understanding the amount of times the officers on the department and that these officers are used to the way things done over the years. No matter what position or employment people have a problem adjusting to change.Not everyone will like changes and not everyone will like new policies or programs put into place. Once this is accomplished, the officers and supervisors will become to realize that change can be good. In addition, once the morale of the department is gone back up the community will see that the department is functioning and doing the best they can with what they have. This will get the community involved in the COPPS program and they will take pride in helping maintain a safe and crime free city, which will profit the organization but the industry of the city.